Return Policy
30 Day Return/Refund on incorrectly filled orders.
Contact us at for returns of orders fulfilled as ordered.
Incorrectly filled orders will be replaced with item(s) as ordered unless no longer available, in which case a full refund of the costs of the items and shipping will be returned to the method of payment by default. The customer may opt for a gift card or account credit as well. If a refund is issued with a return pending and the returned items do not arrive within 30 days of the refund being issued, the amount of the refund will be charged back to the account.
For orders that are shipped as ordered, the maximum refund allowed per policy is 50% as a restocking fee if the parts are not damaged. Some items that are built to order may not be eligible for return.
Email us at for inquiring on a return of item(s) shipped as ordered.