A2B TRANSPORT SYSTEMS The right choice for SMT Conveyors, Industrial Supplies and Parts
Quotes and Inquiries
CP-1041, #2 Gearhead, 25:1, Oriental Motor
CP-0250, #2 Gearhead, 12.5:1, Oriental Motor
CP-1039, #5 Reversing Brake Motor, 40 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1038, #4 Reversing Brake Motor, 25 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1037, #4 Reversing Motor, 25 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1036, #4 Speed Control Motor, 25 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1035, #4 Induction Motor, 25 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1033, #3 Speed Control Motor, 15 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1034, #3 Reversing Motor, 15 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1032, #3 Induction Motor, 15 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1031, #2 Reversing Motor, 6 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1030, #2 Induction Motor, 6 Watts, Oriental Motor
CP-1019, #3 Reversing Motor, 230V, Oriental Motor
CP-1098, Omron 750W Servo with Brake
CP-1013, #3 Gearhead, 30:1, Oriental Motor
CP-1091, Vexta Gearbox, 100:1